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Since, to be able to access my Gravatar image, I had to change my email address, this WordPress site required me to prove that I really did have control of the new email address. The change was not complete until it sent me an email and I confirmed receipt. I was interested to see what were the contents of a robot email from this site. Here is what arrived.

From: WordPress
Subject: [Social Profit Institute] Email Change Request
Date: September 2, 2020 at 6:29:20 PM PDT
To: [email address redacted]

Howdy RobertB,

You recently requested to have the email address on your account changed.

If this is correct, please click on the following link to change it: [code redacted]

You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to
take this action.

This email has been sent to [email address redacted]

All at Social Profit Institute

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